vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Commands to check Linux updates

Those scripts were created to send result by email using cron.

For Suse Linux

Create a shell script and run it by cron every day.

/usr/bin/zypper list-patches | mail -s "SUSE Patch to install"

For Ubuntu

touch $FILE
/usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available > $FILE

/usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-reboot-required >> $FILE

/bin/cat $FILE

SAP HANA, core dumps and Embedded Statistic server

We installed two new SAP B1 for Hana some months ago.  First installation was on ESXi and second on a physical machine.

Both were installed with SAP HANA rev 74.3, but sometimes SAP B1 authentication failed because SAP HANA did not respond. It happened several times per week.
Each time, SAP HANA stopped with a core dump.

Meanwhile, I found SAP NOTE 1917938 - Migration of the statistics server for Revision 74 or higher and 2092033 - Embedded Statistics Service Migration Guide.
They explained that a new statistic server exists called ESS ( Embedded Statistic Server ) instead of the existing service and described the migration process.

I try the migration on our SAP HANA server to check if it is working correctly. After some week of testing, it appears that the new ESS works without problem.

So I decided to apply this solution to our customer running ESXi.

For the last 2 weeks, SAP HANA run perfectly and it does not crash anymore.

Apply this note could solve this type of problem.